Saturday, September 24, 2011

And in the words of Julie Andrews...

"...these are a few of my favorite things!"
As Fall begins, its time to start giving thanks for some of the things I love right now. With pumpkin flavored coffee at Dunkin Donuts and cooler temperatures starting to whirl in, there's a lot to be grateful for. I'm stuck inside since there is currently a thunder and lightning storm raging outside (makes riding a bike near impossible), so I decided to blog...and have come up with a list of 10 things that I'm into right now...ENJOY!

1. Farmers Markets

A coworker told me about the farmers market at King and Morehead (every Saturday from 7am-3pm and other days too as you can see by the sign)... but going there made me feel like I was home. In SF, my mom and her best friend Pat go to farmers market every Saturday. If Kristin and I are up and kicking when we are home, we sometimes join too (Kristin more often than me). When I moved to New York, I would always stroll through the farmers market at Union Square, stopping to pick up the maple sugar candy and cracker/jam samples DUH. Whenever I visit my relatives or friends in France, the farmers market is a necessary stop to pick up the freshest items in Provence. Now I have one my new home too... I couldn't be happier (point for Rick White)!! All the cute farmers, yummy sparkling food, samples, and gorgeous colors of nature reinvigorate me...
Peppers, Potatoes, Okra (side-note...what is Okra? All I know is that sounds really southern)

2. My Watch Collection
A girl's gotta have a watch for every outfit. When I realized I was lacking a black option I bought myself the Michael Kors Runway Model (far left). Its a great new treat to spruce up boring black work outfits. I think my next desire is a clear watch which sounds ugly but is actually adorable...see below:

I mean, I'm not being particular about the clear one...I also wouldn't say no to a classic Rolex, a tortoise shell DG watch, or even one that is studded in five-carat diamonds. I <3 watches. 

3. Foam Rollers 
They save my IT band again and again... HURT SO GOOD. I don't think there's anything else to say.


4. American Apparel lately...
1. Free shipping on orders over $75...and really good prices since they're almost bankrupt
2.  An amazing selection of chiffon tops (above and below are examples)
3. Circle Scarves in all sorts of colors/patterns
4. High wasted pants that actually fit and that I can wear to work (above)


5. Shopping Sprees with Sissy on her bday (new AA top in Yellow)
OK I ADMIT IT...we ditched the cultural reading in Brooklyn and instead, got matching shoes... AND I LOVED IT!

6. Reading Books Because a New Movie Is About to Come Out  
(especially when the main character is a really hot actor)
This tactic works even BETTER when the book ends up being well-written and captivating, as is the case of my most recent indulgence, Moneyball by Michael Lewis. This 300 page breezer follows the true story of Billy Beane (read BRAD PITT) and his journey as GM of the Oakland A's, attempting to apply statistics, Sabermetrics, and rational thinking to the selection of rookie players and draft picks in order to succeed in Major League baseball. Haven't seen the hollywood hit yet, but have heard great things...

Other recent examples along these lines include Water for Elephants (Robert Pattinson), The Twilight Series (RP, Taylor Lautner), The Help (no hot actors apply but Emma Stone did get to make out with Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid Love so that's close enough, right??)

7. Prepping for NASCAR
Shirt bought. Pit tickets ordered (love you Elyse). Car rental reservations made for the tailgate. Flight itineraries collected. 3 more weeks til the big day arrives. Countdown is on...

8. Scenic Pics of the Bay Makin' Me Miss Home (love you Marsh!)
I love Picture Texts. I feel like I'm there with you!

9. Vintage Jill Stuart Dresses 
Picked up this gem at my favorite consignment store in the East Village for $90 last wknd in NYC (left is the full piece, far right is the fabric up close, center is the closest picture of someone wearing one like it online since I have no one here to volunteer to be my photog). It is perfect for going out and classy enough for work. Plus the guy selling it to me made me feel really good about the purchase by reminding me that it would be over $400 dollars if I had bought it at Neiman Marcus or any of the other big designer shops :) Love me my deals (even if I am spending all my $$). Special shout-out to Sheena ( on this one for a) making me put it up on my blog and b) living on the same street that I bought the dress. Miss you. 

10. Instant Vanilla Pudding
A new find at TJ's...instant vanilla pudding (also comes in chocolate) that is to die for! All you need is milk and a whisk. At a price of 99 cents, this 5-minute recipe is hard to beat...